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A Week Ahead:

Next Week (June 3 - 7):


Monday:  Kindergarten Graduation 12:20 - 1:20

Graduation begins at 12:20 in the High School mini PAC, 4th floor.

Parents may begin entering the school at 12:00.

Please dress your child in their long blue PE pants, short sleeve KIS shirt (PE shirt or collared shirt), and black shoes.  They will be given a robe to wear.


Tuesday: Field Day Tuesday, June 4th, will be field day and water day.  Students will participate in field day activities in the morning.  Please send them dressed in their element t shirt (wind, water, stone, or fire.)

- In the afternoon, PK and K students will have a water play day.  Please send water clothes to change into, a towel, and a water squirter or water blaster.


Wednesday: Collaboration Assembly - Please send students in formal uniform on this day, for the assembly.


Friday: Last Day - Kindergarten students will dismiss at the gate at 12:10.


Weekly Updates (May 27 - May 31):


We have an action packed week!  


Monday: Annie Musical

- Students will be at school until 4pm to watch the Annie Musical.  


Tuesday: Student-led Learning Exhibition

- This will be a time when your child will show you some of the learning that he/she has been doing this quarter.  This will not be a time to have talk with the teacher. Please enjoy this time with your child.



Wednesday: Marado Island


8:50 - Depart KIS.

9:10 - Arrival at ferry terminal.

9:40 - Ferry to Marado.

10:05 - Arrival at Marado.  Snack.

11:15 - Lunch.

11:50 - Depart Marado.

12:15 Arrive at Mosulpo

12:30 - Arrival at KIS.


Students need a hat and good walking shoes.  Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning.  Snack and lunch is provided by the school.


Thursday: Sagye Beach


10:30 - Depart KIS.

10:50 - Arrival and Sagye.  Beach clean up.

11:30 - Lunch.

1:30 Depart Sagye Beach.


Please dress the students in summer PE uniform, a hat, and shoes that can get wet or very dirty.  Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning. Sand castle toys like buckets or shovels are welcomed.  Lunch is provided by the school.


Friday: Sae Sam Island and picnic

**Please have your child at school by 8:50.  We will have a full dress rehearsal for kindergarten graduation before our field trip.  Thank you for your cooperation.


10:30 - Depart for Sae Sam Island

11:15 - Arrival at Sae Sam Island

12:15 Depart for lunch.

12:30 Arrival at lunch.

1:00 - Depart for KIS

1:45 - Arrival KIS.


Students need a hat and good walking shoes.  Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning.  Lunch is provided by the school.



Weekly Updates (May 21-25):


Reader's Workshop: We will continue to learn how to be avid poetry readers.

Word Work: We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will, you, for, could, went, they, look, with, a, to, me, at, he, go, on, make, that, come, was and want. We will learn the prefix (re) means again, and the prefix (un) means not. We will learn how to make nouns plural by adding -s or -es to the end of a noun.

Writer’s Workshop: We will learn how to write fiction writing.

Math: We will continue our unit on 2D and 3D shapes and counting ordinal numbers.  First, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc.

Science: We will finish our unit on the study of animals, this week we will learn about fish. We will end the week with our design an imaginary animal, including its habitat, food, and how it uses its parts.

Math: We will continue our unit on 2D and 3D shapes and counting ordinal numbers.  First, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc.

We will practice our reader’s theater from ‘Oh the Places You’ll Go’ starting this week, so please make sure your child has memorized his or her lines by Monday.


Spring Arts Day is Friday

Spring Arts Day includes musical performances and showcases the wonderful artwork done by your children. The schedule is as follows.


9:00 Student drop off.

9:00 Parent orientation at the playground.

9:15 Parents pick up students from the classrooms.

9:15 - 10 Outdoor concert and community art

10 - 10:15 MS pool art exhibition

10:15 - 10:30 ECE art exhibition

10:30 Students return to classrooms.

10:45 - 11:15 JK/K performance in the MSPAC

11:15 Sign out with parents or student lunch.

12:10 Parent pick up at the gate.


Next Week (May 13 - 17):


Reader's Workshop: We will learn how to be avid poetry readers.

Word Work: We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will, you, for, could, went, they, look, with, a, to, me, at, he, go, on, make, that and come. We will learn the prefex (re) means again, and the prefix (un) means not. We will learn how to make nouns plural by adding -s or -es to the end of a noun.

Writer’s Workshop: We will begin working on a problem solving publication piece.

Math: We will begin a new unit on 2D and 3D shapes and counting ordinal numbers.  First, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc.

Science: We will continue our unit on the study of animals, this week we will learn about snails.


Library: This week was the LAST week for library check out. All books are due to the library on Tuesday, May 14. All library times after this week will be in the classroom and no more books will be checked out. Thank you in advance for getting them back to school by Tuesday.



Next Week (May 6 - 10):


Reader's Workshop: We will continue to focus on being an avid non-fiction reader.

Word Work: We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will, you, for, could, went, they, look, with, look, a, to, me, at, he, go, on, make, that and come. We will learn the prefex (re) means again, and the prefix (un) means not. We will learn how to make nouns plural by adding -s or -es to the end of a noun.

Writer’s Workshop: We will publish our writing about big earth problems - LOOK FOR IT ON SEESAW this week!

Math: We will start our last math module learning about flat and solid shapes.

Science: We will start our unit on the study of animals, this week we will learn about isopods.

PE: Kindergarten will be swimming in PE class starting Monday, May 6 for 4 weeks (May 6-May 31). Students will need to bring their swimsuit, towel, goggles, swim cap, and anything else they need for swimming. EVERY Monday and Friday.

DON'T FORGET TO CHECK YOUR CHILD'S SEESAW - like and comment on their work!!!! WE LOVE IT! A lot of new things are posted weekly!

REMINDER Raon Zoo Field trip:

KA Wednesday May 8

9:15 - Bus departs school

9:35 Arrival Raon Zoo

9:35 - 9:50 Snack

9:50 - Zoo

11:05 - Depart for school

11:25 - Arrival at school.

SAVE THE DATE: Kindergarten Graduation: Please note the graduation day is now Monday, June 3 from

12:20 - 2:00 in the High School Mini Auditorium (HSMPAC). This is different from the school calendar.

Next Week (April 29 - May 3):


Reader's Workshop: We will learn that being an avid non fiction readers use expert words.

Word Work: We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will, you, for, could, went, they, look, with, look, a, to, me, at, he, go, on and make. Word Work: We will learn the prefex (re) means again, and the prefix (un) means not. We will learn how to make nouns plural by adding -s or -es to the end of a noun.

Writer’s Workshop: We will continue to write about big earth problems.

Math: We will practice counting to 100 the regular way and the tens way.  10, 2 tens, 3 tens, 4 tens, etc. We will practice counting by 2 digit numbers by ones ex: 31, 32, 33, 34, etc.

Social Studies: We will play the headband game to ask questions about the community helpers studied.

DON'T FORGET TO CHECK YOUR CHILD'S SEESAW - like and comment on their work!!!! WE LOVE IT! A lot of new things are posted weekly!


• No school Monday, April 29.

SAVE THE DATE: Kindergarten Graduation: Please note the graduation day is now Monday, June 3 from

12:20 - 2:00 in the High School Mini Auditorium (HSMPAC). This is different from the school calendar.

Next Week (April 23 - 27):


Reader's Workshop: We will learn that being an avid reader applies to non fiction books too. 

Word Work: We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will, you, for, could, went, they, look, with, look, a, to, me, at, he, go, on and make. We will learn how to make nouns plural by adding -s or -es to the end of a noun.

Writer’s Workshop: We will continue our unit on problem solving writing.  We will begin to write about big earth problems.

Math: We will practice counting to 100 the regular way and the tens way.  10, 2 tens, 3 tens, 4 tens, etc. We will practice counting by 2 digit numbers by ones ex: 31, 32, 33, 34, etc.

Social Studies: We will study the tools and techniques of a farmer.

DON'T FORGET TO CHECK YOUR CHILD'S SEESAW - like and comment on their work!!!! WE LOVE IT! A lot of new things are posted weekly!


THIS WEEK Student Council fundraiser Thursday, April 25 - FREE DRESS pay 1,000 won, your child can wear whatever you want to school. The money will go to mail books to elementary students in Thailand.

Spring LONG Weekend - NO SCHOOL on April 26 and April 29.  

SAVE THE DATE: Kindergarten Graduation: Please note the graduation day is now Monday, June 3 from

12:20 - 2:00 in the High School Mini Auditorium (HSMPAC). This is different from the school calendar.



Next Week (April 15 - 19):


Reader's Workshop: We will learn that reading partners can play reading games together like acting out the character and changing voices.

Word Work: We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will, you, for, could, went, they, look and with. We will do more work with suffixes practicing following the rules for adding -ing to verbs. Example: walking or looking.

Writer’s Workshop: We will continue our unit on problem solving writing.  We will brainstorm some solutions to the problems we have created on our problems list.

Math: We will review counting numbers 10 - 20 the tens way.

Social Studies: This week we will study the tools and techniques of the Haenyeo .  We will make connections to how the Haenyeo depends on the environment.

Book Fair: KA will go shopping at the book fair on Monday, April 15th.  Please bring some money so you can buy books! Parents can also shop at the book fair after school.

Hope you received this email today:


Dear Kindergarten Parents,


We are starting our Community Helpers Unit, we need a digital photo of your child as a baby. If possible we would like the picture of the child alone (no siblings or parents in the picture). Please send it in as soon as possible so we can use the photos for this unit.


Thank you in advance, we look forward to seeing all the darling pictures of our Kindergarteners as babies.


Please send photos to Mrs. Goff at


Margaret Goff and Patricia DeLuca



사회조력자들 단원을 시작하면서 학부모님들께 부탁드릴 일이 있어 메세지를 보냅니다. 아이들의 아기 시절 사진을 한장 보내 주시기를 부탁드리고자 합니다. 가능하시면, 독사진(형제 자매들과 함께 찍은 사진 또는 가족사진이 아닌 혼자 찍은 사진)을 보내 주세요. 가능한 빨리 보내 주시면 아이들의 학습 시간에 바로 사용할 수 있을 것 입니다.


미리 감사의 말씀을 전해 드리고, 아이들의 사랑스러운 아기사진을 만나 볼수 있기를 기대하고 있겠습니다.


mgoff@kis.ac의 메일 주소로 보내 주세요.


Margaret Goff and Patricia DeLuca 드림



Next Week (April 8 - 12):

Reader's Workshop: Students will reflect on which reading super powers they are good at and which ones they could improve on.  Students will make reading goals based on the super powers.

Word Work: We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will, you, for, could, went and theySyllables: We will continue to practice counting how many syllables are in a word.  Example: pig = 1, but-ton = 2, but-ter-fly = 3. We will also learn about suffixes: We will learn that the suffix -ing means happening now.  Example: walking or looking. We will learn some of the rules for adding -ing to a verb.

Writer’s Workshop: Students will focus on the audience of problem solving writing and learn how to write a letter.

Math: We will practice counting up to 20 the tens way.  10-1, 10-2, 10-3, etc.

Social Studies: This week will be starting a Social Studies Unit on Community Helpers, this week we will study the tools and techniques of the Meteorologist.  We will learn how the Meteorologist depends on the environment.

Coming Up:

Book Fair - Monday, April 15 we will get to go to the book fair and buy books. Please send your child with money.


Next Week (April 1 - 5):


Reader's Workshop: We will talk about the feelings books can make us experience.

Word Work: Syllables, we will continue working on how to count how many syllables are in a word. Example: pig = 1, but-ton = 2, but-ter-fly = 3

Writer’s Workshop: We will be doing problem solving writing, we talk about writing to an audience.

Math: We will practice counting up to 20 the tens way.  10-1, 10-2, 10-3, etc.

Science: We will finish our unit on materials and motion.

Book Parade - Grades JK-2

Your child will be part of a Book Parade for Grades JK - 2. You are invited to attend.

When: Wednesday, April 3,  9:00- 9:45

Where: MS field.

Who: K-2 Students, teachers and parents. Parents will be invited to take photos during the parade.

How: The students will be dressed in costume about their book and hold the book that their character inspiration came from.

Next Week (March 25 - 29):

Monday, March 25: ½ day of school.  JK and K students will go home at 12:10.

Toothbrushes:  Please send a new toothbrush and toothpaste for quarter 4.


Reader's Workshop: We will learn what it means to be an avid reader and how to ask questions if we don’t understand what we read.

Word Work: We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will, you, for, could, went and theyWe are learning about syllables. We will learn how to count how many syllables are in a word.  Example: pig = 1, but-ton = 2, but-ter-fly = 3

Writer’s Workshop: We will begin a new unit on problem solving writing.  We will learn that we can help to make the world better by bringing attention to telling people how to solve problems

Math: We will practice counting up to 20 the tens way.  10-1, 10-2, 10-3, etc.

Science: We continue to explore motion and speed with balls and slopes.

Publication Party: Parents are invited to the KA classroom on Wednesday, March 27 @ 9:30 for a writing publication party.  Parents and students will read other students publication writing pieces and write a compliment about that writing piece.  The party will last 15 - 20 minutes.



Book Parade - Grades JK-2

Your child will be part of a Book Parade for Grades JK - 2. You are invited to attend.

When: Wednesday, April 3,  9:00- 9:45

Where: MS field.

Who: K-2 Students, teachers and parents. Parents will be invited to take photos during the parade.

How: The students will be dressed in costume about their book and hold the book that their character inspiration came from.



Next Week (March 11 - 15):


Reader's Workshop: We will continue to use our super powers to read harder books.

Word Work:  We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will, you, for, could, went and theyWe will study the long vowel sounds a, e, i, o, and u. We are learning about syllables. 

Writer’s Workshop: We will end our unit on how to writing. All of their "Finished" and "Work in Progress" work will go home Thursday for them to finish and you to enjoy! It stays at home.

Math: We will continue to learn how to say and write number stories of addition and subtraction.

Science: We continue to explore motion and speed with balls and slopes.

Parent/Teacher Conference: No school on March 15 due to parent teacher conferences.  Please check the schedule for your time.

My blog will only be used for Weekly Updates in a few weeks. Please make sure you sign up for Seesaw so you can see all the great pictures! (See email from last week below for directions. THANK YOU to the many who have already joined and are liking and commenting on pictures from this week!)

Dear Families,

This year we are using Seesaw to share and communicate with families! Your child will post to Seesaw to share their learning. I'll also use Seesaw to send you messages and reminders. Seesaw is private; you'll only see posts created by your child.

Please Sign Up Now

  1. Click on this link:

  2. Choose your child from the list

  3. Create your account

  4. Once I approve you, you can see content from your child

After you sign up, download the free Seesaw Family app and sign in. You can also access Seesaw from a computer at

Thank you for supporting your child's learning!

Margaret Goff

P.s. If you used Seesaw last year or have more than one child using Seesaw, follow the link above, then click the 'Sign in' tab at the top of the screen. You do not need to create a new account.




Next Week (March 4 - 8):


Reader's Workshop: We will continue learn how to use all our super powers to read harder books.

Word Work:  We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will, you, for and couldWe will study the long vowel sounds a, e, i, o, and u. We are learning about syllables. 

Writer’s Workshop: We will continue our unit on how to writing.  We will learn how to use real how to books to help us with our own writing.

Math: We will learn how to say and write number stories of addition and subtraction.

Science: We will continue to learn how to reuse paper and why it is important for the environment.

Field Trip: For Wednesday’s field trip, please send a maximum of 10,000 won for shopping.

Please send comfortable walking shoes and a water bottle.  Snacks and lunch will be provided. If the air quality is poor, then the field trip will be rescheduled.



Next Week (February 25 - March 1):


Reader's Workshop: We will learn how some spotlight words can look different, like walk or walked.

Word Work:  We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have, this will and youWe will study the long vowel sounds a, e, i, o, and u. We are learning about syllables.

Writer’s Workshop: We will continue our unit on how to writing.  We will learn how to use real how to books to help us with our own writing.

Math: We will continue our unit on addition and subtraction of numbers up to ten. We will learn different ways to show addition and subtraction.

Science: We will continue to discuss how we can reuse paper and why it is important for the environment to reuse paper.

Announcement from Mr. French:

The Grade 8 students have been visiting Cambodia as SLL trips for over 5 years, and this year, as part of the service we will be doing there, we have decided to donate bamboo toothbrushes. It is very important that we purchase bamboo toothbrushes because compared to plastic toothbrushes, bamboo toothbrushes are more eco-friendly and would have less negative impacts to the environment.

We are hoping that all of the elementary students will also contribute to our campaign by also getting bamboo toothbrushes from the links provided by this website:


If everyone in our school community buys 3 bamboo toothbrushes, then we will have more than enough toothbrushes for the Cambodian students to get at least one toothbrush.

The reason why we’re giving the bamboo toothbrushes to the Cambodian students is that first of all, it is eco-friendly and would naturally break down We are giving away toothbrushes to help Cambodian students to have clean mouths.

There will be a box for the toothbrushes in the elementary office, and it must be dropped off by March 6th at the latest.

We hope that many of you will participate in our campaign!



Next Week (February 18 - 22):


Reader's Workshop: We will learn  how to read digraphs like th, sh, or wh.

Word Work:  We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have and thisWe will study the long vowel sounds a, e, i, o, and u. We will learn how some words sound the same but have different meanings like pear or here.

Writer’s Workshop: We will continue our unit on how to writing.  We will publish our third writing piece on How To make or do all the things our mom's taught us when they came for Korean Lunar New Year and we learned how to cook Korean food and do the traditional bow.

Math: We will continue to study how to add and subtract numbers up to 10, using a number bond and number sentences written different ways.

Science: We will begin a new science unit entitled, “Materials and Motion.”  During the first week, we will learn why it is important to reuse paper goods and how we can reuse paper products.


Next Week (February 11-15):

No school February 4 - 8.  Happy Korean New Year!


Reader's Workshop: We will compare different kinds of texts.

Word Work: We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are, what, have and thisWe will study the long vowel sounds a, e, i, o, and u. We will learn how some words sound the same but have different meanings like bark or ball.

Writer’s Workshop: We will write a how-to publication piece on the recipes learned in Korean cooking class.

Math: We will continue to study how to add and subtract numbers up to 10, using a number bond.



Next Week (January 28 - February 1):


Reader's Workshop: We will study and read alphabet books.

Word Work:  We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, here, are and whatWe will study the long vowel sounds a, e, i, o, and u. We will learn how some words sound the same but have different meanings like blue or bat.

Writer’s Workshop: We will continue our unit on how to writing.  We will learn how to use real how to books to help us with our own writing.

Math: We will continue to study how to add and subtract numbers up to 10, using a number bond.  We will do a special activity to celebrate the 100th day of school on Tuesday, we have been counting up since day one so this is a very exciting day!

Social Studies: We will learn how people in Korea celebrate the Korean New Year.  We will learn how to make Korean food with our special guest teachers and learn how to do a traditional Korean bow.  

Korean New Year Celebration on Thursday, January 31: You are invited to celebrate Korean New Year with us.  You may start arriving at 12:00 to help your child change into their Hanboks (if you do not have a Hanbok please wear KIS Formal uniform).  The event will be from 12:15 - 1:00. The first 10 minutes will be a short performance consisting of a song and doing a traditional Korean bow to you, then the rest of the time we will share and eat food the children made together.  

Next Week (January 21 - 25):


Reader's Workshop:  We will study how authors use patterns within books and how to identify the main characters and setting of a story.

Word Work: We will study the spotlight words: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, and, here, are and whatWe will study the long vowel sounds a, e, i, o, and u. We will learn how some words sound the same but have different meanings like orange or duck.

Writer’s Workshop: We will continue our unit on how to writing.  Students will learn how to make their how to instructions more clear.

Math: We will continue to study how to add and subtract numbers up to 10, using a number bond.

Social Studies: We will begin our study on the Korean New Year. We are looking forward to our mom's coming in to teach us how to cook Korean food and learn the tradition bow before we have our Korean New Year's Celebration on Thursday, January 31.



Next Week (January 14 - 18):

REMINDER: Monday, January 14th is a ½ day of school.  Students will be dismissed at 12:10.


Reader's Workshop:  We will begin a new unit on how to use our reading super powers to read words we don’t know.

Word Work: We continue studying spotlight words.  So far these are our words to read and write by sight: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up, we, and, and here.  We will study magic "e" words like: name or fine.

Writer’s Workshop: We will begin a new unit on "how to" writing.  Students will write to teach people how to do things that they know.

Math: We will begin our new unit on addition and subtraction numbers up to eight. We will learn different ways to show addition and subtraction.

Social Studies: We will learn how the story of Nian, changed the way people celebrate the new year in China.

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