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A Week Ahead:

Weekly Updates (December 17 - 21):


Reader's Workshop:  We will read Christmas themed stories.

Word Work: We continue studying spotlight words.  So far these are our words to read and write by sight: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my, see, up and we. 

Writer’s Workshop: We will write a letter to Santa telling him our needs and wants.

Math: We will complete our unit on measurement.

Social Studies: We will learn the difference between needs and wants.  We will make presents that show a need and a want.


Monday December 17 and Tuesday December 18

On these days, students will practice for the winter arts concert at 8:30.  Please make sure your child is here by 8:20, so we can be on time for the rehearsal.


Winter Arts Day, Friday, December 21:

REMINDER:  Don’t forget Santa Hats for the performance on Friday!!!

9:45 - 10:15  - Art Walk - Parents may look at the art work displayed with their child.

10:15 - Parents drop off students at the classroom.  

10:30 - Winter Concert - Parents are expected to stay in the MSPAC until the end of the 2nd grade

concert @ 11:00.

11:00 - Parents may sign out students at the front office.

11:00 - 11:30 - Student lunch only.  JK and K parents are not invited to each with their children.  (Sorry!)

12:10 - Students will be dismissed at the gate at this time.


School Holiday: School resumes on Monday, January 14th.  This is a ½ day for students. Students will be dismissed at 12:10.

Next Week (December 10 - 14):


Reader's Workshop:  We will discuss and use the question words: who, what, where, why, when, and how.

Word Work: We continue studying spotlight words.  So far these are our words to read and write by sight: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my and see.

Writer’s Workshop: We will learn how to write a letter to Santa telling him our needs and wants.

Math: We will continue our unit on measurement.

Social Studies: We will learn the difference between needs and wants with what we want for Christmas.


• Please remember to fill out the google form for a student lunch on Friday, December 21.


Elementary will be hosting a Holiday

Spirit Week December 10 - 14, 2018. The

cost to participate is 1,000 Won each

day, or 5,000 Won for the week.

The money collected will be used to

purchase Christmas gifts for orphans

and those less fortunate on the island.


Holiday Spirit Week: December 10 - 14, 2018

• If students do not want to participate

they need to wear their KISJ uniform.

Next Week (December 3 - 7):


Reader's Workshop:  We will get our LAST Reading SUPER POWER, we will also learn how to introduce a book to a partner before sharing.

Word Work: We continue studying spotlight words.  So far these are our words to read and write by sight: I, like, the, can, am, is, in, my and see.

Writer’s Workshop: We will being working on our true story publication piece.

Math: We will continue our unit on measurement, comparing the weight of objects and beginning to explore volume.

Social Studies: We will begin our unit on cultural celebrations by studying how the poem, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,’ changed the Christmas holiday.


• THIS Friday, December 7th is a ½ day of school.  JK and K students will dismiss at 12:10. (Earlier than than the usual time.) We are starting this new dismissal time to help JK and K students to find parents more easily.



Next Week (November 26 - 30):


Reader's Workshop:  We will learn our last few Reading Super Powers and also learn how to use characters voices when we read.

Word Work:  We will begin studying spotlight words.  So far these are our words to read and write by sight: I, like, the, can, am, is and in.

Writer’s Workshop: We will continue to make our writing easier to read, this week using revision strips.

Math: We will continue our unit on measurement.  Students will compare the lengths of objects.

Science: We will solve for the mystery tree.  Students will guess and explain which playground tree is the same tree shown in the picture clues.


Next Week (November 19 - 23):

Reader’s Workshop: We will continue to use superpowers to identify tricky words.

Phonics:  We will continue to practice identifying words that rhyme and making new words that rhyme.

Writer’s Workshop: We will learn how to revise our writing and make it fun for others to read.

Math: We will begin our unit on measurement.  Students will compare the lengths of objects.

Science: We will begin solving for the mystery tree.  Students will guess and explain which playground tree is the same tree shown in the picture clues.

Next Week (November 12 - 16):


Reader’s Workshop: We will continue to use superpowers to identify tricky words.

Phonics:  We will continue to practice identifying words that rhyme and making new words that rhyme.

Writer’s Workshop: We will learn how to revise our writing and make it easy for others to read.

Math: We will continue to study 2D and 3D shapes.

Science: We will continue to study leaves of a tree.


On Friday,  November 16th, kindergarten students will go on a field trip to Cheonjiyeon Waterfall 천지연폭포 and Sae Sam Island and Bridge 새섬 새연교 .



9:20 - Depart from KIS.

10:00 - Arrival at Cheonjiyeon Waterfall and snack.  Tour the waterfall and grounds.

11:00 Departure and bus ride to Sae Sam Island and Bridge.

11:10 - Arrival at Sae Sam Island and Bridge.

12:00 Lunch.

12:40- Depart for KIS.

1:20 - Arrive at KIS.


Morning snack and lunch will be provided by Our Home.  Please be on time as the busses will leave promptly at 9:20.



Next Week (November 5 - 10):


REMINDER: Saturday, November 10 there is a typhoon make up day from 8:00 - 12:30.  It will be a Thursday schedule so we will have Korean on that day. Dismissal will be at 12:30 and buses will leave at 12:45.


Reader's Workshop:  We will continue to learn our reading super powers. So far we have Pointer Power, Reread Power, Partner Power and Picture Power!

Phonics: We will continue to practice identifying words that rhyme.

Writer’s Workshop: We will learn how to revise our writing and make it easy for others to read.

Math: We will continue to study 2D and 3D shapes.

Science: We will continue to study leaves of a tree.


Next Week (October 29 - November 2):

REMINDER: Fall Break next week - No School from October 22 - 26. See you on October 29th.


Reader's Workshop: We we get a few more Reading Super Powers. We will learn that sight words are words that we should be able to read quickly.

Rhyming Words: Students will learn about words that rhyme like cat and bat or hen and pen.

Writer’s Workshop: We will continue to write narrative stories and learn how we can re-read our pieces and check how to make them easier to read.

Math: We will start our new math module learning about shapes including: squares, circles, hexagons, rectangles, and triangles.

Science: We will continue to observe trees and leaves.

Next Week (October 15 - 19):

Reader's Workshop: We will learn how to use our reading super powers, like pointer power (pointing at each word as you read) or picture power (using pictures to help figure out unknown words).

Phonics: We will practice blending CVC words (hot, cat, dog, etc) and learn rhyming words.

Writer’s Workshop: We will practice writing the who, what, and where of our true stories.

Math: We will begin our unit on 2D shapes studying triangles, squares, hexagons, and circles.

Science:  We will continue our science unit on trees and weather.  We will compare different kinds of trees.


Family Day Information: Family Day Thursday, October 18 from 8:30 - 11:30 

- Families are invited to the classroom from 8:30 - 10:30 and to eat lunch with their children from 10:30 - 11:00.

- Parents are invited to come back at 1:15 to help their children change into costumes for the Fall Festival.  Children may dismiss at this time.

- Students who are not dismissed @ 1:15 will be accompanied by the teachers to the Fall Festival.   Normal dismissal is at 3 pm and Kids Camp is at 3 pm.


Friday, October 19 Book Fair:  We will go shopping at the book fair on Friday, October 19. You can send money for your child to buy books.

Fall Break: October 22 - 26 - See you on Monday, October 29th!

Next Week (October 8 - 11):


Reader's Workshop: We will practice retelling old favorite storybooks.

Phonics: We will practice blending CVC words (hot, cat, dog, etc) and learn rhyming words.

Writer’s Workshop: We will learn how to add details to our true stories.

Math: We will finish our first math unit.

Science: We will begin our unit on trees and weather, by studying trees.

Parent/Teacher Conference: Friday is parent/teacher conference, so it is not a regular school day for students. See you at your scheduled time!



Next Week (October 1 - 5):


Reader’s Workshop: We learn how to use transitional words when retelling a story.

Zoophonics: We learned all 26 characters! Have your children sing you the zoophonics song! This week we will review all the letter sounds we have learned.

Writer’s Workshop: We will learn how to show details in our pictures and words and work on our first publication piece.

Math: We will continue to learn how to show numbers in different ways.

Social Studies: We will continue to study Kelso’s Choices.  We will discuss and role play how we can use Kelso’s Choices when we encounter a problem.


Next Week: (September 27 and 28):

Reader’s Workshop: We will talk about books that we love to read over and over, or favorite storybooks.

Zoophonics: We will finish up the alphabet with last new letters, sounds and Zoophonics characters and will learn how to write the letters: x and z.

Writer’s Workshop: We will begin to learn how to revise a published true story.

Math: We will continue to learn how to show numbers in different ways.

Social Studies: We will study Kelso’s Choices.  We will learn the difference between small problems and big problems and how we can use Kelso’s Choices to solve problems.

REMINDERS for the week:

No school on September 24, 25, and 26th - Happy Chuseok! Enjoy your time with family.


Location: Hanlim Park (Jeju Hanlimeup Hanlimro 300)

Time:           9:00 AM ~ 11:30 AM

Schedule:      9:00 AM   Depart KIS

                  9:30 AM   Arrive at Hanlim Park

                  9:40 AM   HyupJae Two big dragon cave

                  10:20 AM  Jae Am folk village

                  10:40 AM  Safari birds garden

                  11:00 AM   Departure back to KIS.

                  11:30 AM   Arrival back at KIS.

                  12:00 PM   Lunch at KIS


Please send a hat and water bottle.  Please wear PE uniform shirt on this day!


Friday, September 28th will be the Color War Day.  Kindergarten students can wear YELLOW if they pay 1,000 won or send in old newspapers, to be donated to the animal shelter.


Next Week (September 17 - 21):


Reader's Workshop:  We will learn how the pictures and words match when we read.

Zoophonics:  We will learn new letters, sounds and Zoophonics characters and how to write the letters: h, b, f and q.

Writer's Workshop: We will begin working on writing true stories about our lives.

Math: We will continue to break apart numbers, 1-10, and show them in different ways.

Social Studies: We will learn the difference between big and small problems, Kelso’s Choices, and role play how and when to use Kelso’s Choices.



THIS THURSDAY, September 20!!!!

Adventure Day Trip

Location: Hanlim Park (Jeju Hanlimeup Hanlimro 300)

Time: 9 AM ~ 11:30 AM

Schedule:      9:00 AM   Depart KIS

                  9:30 AM   Arrive at Hanlim Park

                  9:40 AM   HyupJae Two big dragon cave

                  10:20 AM  Jae Am folk village

                  10:40 AM  Safari birds garden

                  11:00 AM   Departure back to KIS.

                  11:30 AM   Arrival back at KIS.

                  12:00 PM   Lunch at KIS


Please send a hat and water bottle.  Please wear PE uniform shirt on this day!

NEXT WEEK:  No school on September 24, 25, and 26th for Chuseok Vacation.  See you on Thursday, the September 27th!

Don't forget to find/shop for yellow shirts for the next Spirit Day, September 28. Color War - WE ARE YELLOW!



Next Week (September 10 - 14):


Reader’s Workshop: We will learn how to reread, think about what we have read, and how to read with a partner.

Zoophonics: We will learn new letters, sounds and Zoophonics characters and how to write the letters: y, j, p, r and n.

Writer's Workshop: We will continue to learn how to write down all the letter sounds we can hear.

Math: We will begin studying the numbers 6 - 10.

Social Studies: We will study feelings and paint a feelings emoji to describe each feeling.

Next Week (September 3-7):


Reader’s Workshop: Students will learn how to read together in partnerships.

Zoophonics: We will learn new letters, sounds and Zoophonics characters and how to write the letters u, i, e, l, k.

Writer's Workshop: Students will learn how to become writers by understanding that true writers don’t write only one time, but they keep rereading their work and adding more.

Math: Students will practice writing numbers and showing numbers in different ways.

Social Studies: We will study school community members and have a special visit from the GEC police officers.  They will teach us how to be safe outside of school.

COMING UP THIS WEEK: FIRST Student Council Spirit Day is Friday, September 7th The spirit days will raise money to support the Jeju Ugidongmul Animal Shelter. .  Students can bring 1,000 won to their homeroom teachers if they want to participate in "Dress Like an Animal Day".  The money will be used to buy supplies the shelter needs to help dogs and cats of Jeju.


Next Week (August 27 - August 31):


Reader's Workshop: Students will learn that good readers ask questions.

Zoophonics: We will learn new letters, sounds and Zoophonics characters. This week we will learn the letters w, n, t, a and d.

Writer's Workshop: Students will learn that writers make a plan for writing their true stories.

Math: Students will practice writing numbers 1-3, the concept of zero, and breaking apart numbers up to 5.

Social Studies: Students will talk about what a good friend does.


FRIDAY: Aqua Day, Friday, August 31

We will be participating in Aqua Day in the afternoon after lunch until the end of the day. Please wear your element T-Shirt, Stone, Water, Fire or Wind. Bring a towel, bathing suit (if you cant to wear it under your clothes) and a change of clothes for after the event. Parents are welcome to come to school and help kids change after the event.




Next week (August 20 - 24):


Reader's Workshop: We will begin to learn the procedures of reader’s workshop including book shopping (selecting just right books) and how to turn and talk with a partner during lesson times.

Writing: We will continue to write about things that we know and that we can use tools and people to help us write.

Zoophonics: We will begin our Zoo Phonics program with the letters c, o, s, v, w.

Math: We will learn to sort and describe our sorting and how to describe why objects are the same or different.

Social Studies: We will continue our unit called ‘Me and My World.’  We will learn about the members of our family. Please remember to send in a picture of your family by the 20th.


*Book a day will begin this week!  Please return the book each day for a new book.



Next Week: (August 13- 17)

Reader’s Workshop: We will begin by learning the procedures for reading workshop and I will be seeing how smart my kindergarten students are knowing the alphabet.

Writer’s Workshop: We will begin our writing program by learning that anyone can be a writer and writers write about what they know.

Math: We will be exploring math manipulative's and I will be getting to know your children's mathematical thinking with some basic testing.

Social Studies: We will focus on learning classroom procedures and routines.

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